Sunday, September 12, 2010

This is the street market just two mins from where im staying. The church is behind it, we went to mass this morning which was packed of people. Fun fact, the church has a wood carving of jesus but its made out of a special wood that is black, its very detailed and there are only two in the world (the other one in Guatemala). You can take the stairs up to it and pray there, which they say miracles can happen. I went and asked for a miracle, i asked god to make spanish easier and people to talk slower...we'll see if it works. The market was really different, everyone is selling the same things for different prices, so its a big hunt. I'm excited to spend more time there on the weekends even though if you get within three feet of a stand the attack with you a million purses, prices and watch you intently. Makes things a little bit uncomfortable. We went to another town for lunch about twenty mins away, not sure the name though. I think it was called Alacta. It rained so hard that by the time we were done our meal the streets were absolutly flooded. Also, I went to the greenhouse today, it was huge! The view here is amazing, huge mountains and were up so high the fog, well there clouds that rest on the mountains. and there covered in all these different tree's. Most of them are coffee trees, they are covered in green, bean shaped things, which is the coffee. When it turns red is when they will pick it, that wont be until november or december ish. Ill probably be here for the whole process, which will be pretty cool to watch the whole process. Well im going to see how the packaging is done, so hope you all ejoyed! Buenas Noches amigas!


  1. hey bridgy!! its maura i read your blog and I liked it! :D
    Do u think I could survive there?? haha I love you!! see ya in three months byee :)

  2. Bridget - any chance to jog in the forrest area??...Sounds like a cool area to run...wet and beautiful!

  3. Hola,
    Me gusto mucho el pueblo! Quiero ver fotos de la gente y el rancho or "farm" Whatever they call it.
    Te amo nina!

  4. Porque los troncos de los arboles estan blanco?

  5. Hi Bridge! (Hola Bridge)
    It sounds like you are having a great time! Your entries are cracking me up. I can't wait to hear more and see all of your pictures and "Vlog" entries.

    Adios Mi Amiga Bonita or Bonita Amiga or...ya, I never took Spanish. -H diddy

  6. hola Bridge!! como estas??? espero que te este gustando todo de ese hermoso pueblo y que afortunada de poder admirar toda esa belleza, me encanto tu comentario de: I went and asked for a miracle, i asked god to make spanish easier and people to talk sabes como me hizo reir esta manana!! me encanta la foto de la iglesia se parece muchisimo la iglesia que esta atras de mi casa en Puerto Vallarta, espero que te guste mucho, y no te peocupes que vas a aprender espanol muy rapido!! :) saludos!!!
