Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Hola! It's the September 15th today which means it is Independence Day for Central America! I am going to a BBQ/party on a volcano today...sounds cool and all but I don’t know how I feel about being the ones right on the volcano (definitely no survival chance if that thing blows). I’m really excited to experience their Independence Day though and see how it’s different, have some fun! I'll post pictures and things about that tomorrow. Anyway (more about coffee..) learned about coffee roasting yesterday!!! It was pretty cool and almost burnt my hand off on the machine because I didn’t understand that they said the machine was hot, I thought he was just saying "it's hot" in general. Oh well, that's how I'm learning my Spanish! The picture shows you basically how it works, the "green" coffee is sucked through the pipe and put inside the roaster, it takes about 30 mins to roast and then is shot into a circular spinning thing (don’t know the name) to cool off. After its dumped into a bucket, then put into bags, then sent to the customer THEN into our cute little coffee mugs at home..or starbucks.

One more thing, I was just want to announce that my bad luck with cars has followed me all the way to El Salvador. Yesterday, a friend of Annabelle’s picked me from the farm to drive me back to San Salvador to spend the holiday with her and about an hour into the trip our car just stops. Mind you, we are in the middle of NO WHERE and had to wait almost three hours for someone to get us. FML.

Have a great day everyone J

This butterfly was stuck in my window.

most patient person in the world.

Right before the car broke down. Stunning sunset, this picture barley captures it.


  1. ¡Día de la Independencia feliz! Estoy amando seriamente las fotos que usted está tomando. ¿Cómo está el tiempo? Aremi y yo estábamos muy tristes esta mañana en que no vimos un blog fijado. Su blog es el punto culminante de nuestro día (que claramente le diga un pedacito sobre cómo excita nuestras vidas sea). ¿Es usted que usa la guía del blog que le di? Estoy bastante seguro que usar las siglas FML no era una técnica sugerida para un blog corporativo. (Apenas el decir). Subsistencia en la fijación… we' ¡re amándolo! Picosegundo. ¡Quiero ver más fotos de su apartamento lindo!

  2. For those of you who are not as fluent in Spanish: Happy Independance Day! I am seriously loving the photos you are taking. How is the weather? Aremi and I were very sad this morning when we did not see a blog posted. Your blog is the highlight of our day (which clearly tells you a bit about how exciting our lives are).
    Are you using the Blog Guide I gave you? I am pretty sure that using the Acronym FML was NOT a suggested technique for a corporate blog. (Just Saying). Keep on posting...we're loving it! PS. I want to see more photos of your cute apartment!

  3. hola amiga!! cuidado con lo caliente!! :)
    hoy es un Dia muy especial y mas por que es el bicentenario 200 anos de nuestra Independencia, espero ver las fotos y que te diviertas, la verdad te vas a dar cuenta que tan interesnte historia tiene cada lugar, nose si van a gritar VIVA MEXICO!!! :)

    ................................................hello my friend how are you?? be careful with the hot stuff!! and yes today is a very special day and more because is the Bicentenario which means 200 years of celebration, hope you have fun and i can wait to see the pictures, you will see how interesting history is around and i dont know if the all will say, VIVA MEXICO!!
    have fun ( i wish i was celebrating too)

  4. Hola!
    Quiero oir lo que aprendes de la "Independencia"
    Y bebio una taza de cafe fresca de la finca? Es deliciosa? Debes estudiar para ser un mecanico auto! Eh, es una idea! Como se llama el hombre?
    Tenemos que enviar a el un regalo!
    buenas noches nina!
