Wednesday, September 15, 2010

don't touch hot things

Roasters are not touch them....I learned this the hard way and I know Enlgish.

I think 30 minutes for a roast is too long....more like 12-16 minutes....ask the most patient man in the world.

Missed you on nice run in the soft rain tonight....lonely out there!

I think this picture is cool. I want to find the artist and buy it.

P.S. the Phillies are in first place in the EAST. We still have 18  more games in the season, but things look good. I would love to make it to the World Series again!!!


  1. i still have yet to find a place to run out here but its going to happen fast becuase im starting to go crazy not having any exercise. That picture is so awesome! or sculpture. That's really cool. You should buy.

    I miss you too alot. But i love it here. GO PHILLIES!!!!

  2. ¿Bridget, donde es usted? ¿Una planta grande del café le ha comido? Le falto. Necesito leer uno de sus postes del blog. ¿Usted comió todos sus chocolates? ¿Es usted que usa su guía del blog? ¡La regla número uno del blog… no deja a sus lectores abajo! :) Dije a los cabritos por último el domingo que me estoy moviendo. Phoebe' la reacción de s primer era: ¿Usted nos está dejando tan para el centro del DESIERTO? Maura preguntó si todavía podría niñera de Arizona (quizá vía el vídeo?). Tatum dijo que debemos poner a todas las niñeras en un cuarto como " ese show" del soltero; y vea cuál es el mejor. ¡HAHAHA! ¡También hicimos una lista de calidades que una niñera debe tener… primer no era el NINGUÌ�N JURAR! Phoebe también no agregó ninguÌ�n golpe, la perforación, o dar una palmada. ¡LOL guau, me están haciendo parecer el diablo de Cruela! :) Le falto. ¡Espero que usted esté teniendo un rato MARAVILLOSO!

    Because Babelfish is unreliable and Aremi says my paragraph makes no sense:

    Bridget, where are you? Have you been eaten by a large coffee plant? I miss you. I need to read one of your blog posts. Did you eat all of your chocolates? Are you using your blog guide? Blog Rule number not let your readers down! :) I told the kids last on Sunday that I am moving. Phoebe's first reaction was: So you are leaving us for the middle of the DESERT? Maura asked if I could still nanny from Arizona (maybe via video?). Tatum said we should put all of the Nannies in a room like "that bachelor show" and see which one is the best one. HAHAHA! We also made a list of qualities a nanny should have... the first one was NO SWEARING! Phoebe also added no hitting, punching, or slapping and they all agreed the person "must like children!". LOL Wow, they are making me look like Cruela Devil! :) I miss you. I hope you are having a WONDERFUL time!
