Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Land of Beans, Rice and Coffee :)

 There has been alot of complications with the internet and the magicJack, which if it was working would be cool. Its really convinent but its a pain in the ass to set up a new line. I have a video I'm going to try and keep uploading of my condo, which is adorable. The weather is sticky and warm. Thunderstorms off and on like I said. If you ever get the chance to come down here, follow my dad's advice, "Judge by the heart not the skin". Some of the people are pretty...well interesting looking but there are very kind and welcoming. I stayed at Annabella's house last night, absolutly beautiful. The architecture here is so different from the american styled homes. Marble floors, HUGE doorways, open hallways and tons of plants and gorgeous flowers decorating the house. You would think it came out of a movie. Its sad though becuase there was a recent earthquake and there are now huge holes in her yard and master bedroom, they collapased becuase all the piping was cement and very old. The lifestyle is very different, there are people hired to do EVERYTHING for you. I woke up and breakast was made, bed made, another man took all my luggage to the car. I barley had to lift a finger. She has three maids that stay with her at the house, a gardner and a driver for her mother in law that stays there...I was shocked when she was telling me. Its only three hundred a month to keep all of them employed. (note to self, move here when you don't want to do anything and keep it cheap!) The city and everything is beautiful, so many tree's and crops covering everything. The food is to die for and like i said, no stomach problems. My condo is right next to where they weigh the trucks after they pick the coffee bean, then about thirty feet from that there is the drop off where all the coffee is dumped into this huge, orange, sifter, where its weighed again and the sticks, stones and crap gets pulled out of it. The workers get paid by the average weight of the trucks load and the weight of the coffee in the sifter. Its about one to two pounds of coffee per tree, also depending on the tree. So you do the math, these people work there ass's off to make enough not to work the rest of the year and only during the three to four month coffee season. Yeah...NO THANKS. Haha
Well, about to go to dinner. Miss and love you guys! Ill get some pictures up of the town and things tomorrow. I am going to mass at ten am. There is one giant church for the whole town, so that should be an experience. Buenas Noches!


  1. Wow....sounds awesome and funky. I want to visit too. It's Sat night and we are watching Larger Tha Life ( Bill Murray and an elephant). tatum and Phoebe love it. Also, Soccer started today so remember saturday's are crazy.
    LOve ya' XXOO
