Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Beach Week

Alright so it’s been one week from my last post, let's see how well I can remember what i have done. Haha. Thursday, I packaged coffee! It wasn't exactly the most fun in the world but I had the chance to really get the inside scoop of "life on the farm". I can't imagine doing that every day, and not just 9 to 5. It’s more like 6 to 8, insanity. You can see my in action in my picture below. Oh and don't let me forget...I noticed, from my PBi expertise, that they were using a black foil gusseted bag w/ valve. Annabella and I were talking and she is wants samples, so get on it guys! You can thank me later... Friday was supposed to be the day we went to the beach but thanks to Mother Nature aka hurricane Matthew our trip was postponed to Saturday afternoon. This was not horrible, but once we got there the weather was still pretty bad. It rained, no; it dumped for almost the whole night. Sunday was off and on rain but the sun was still shining and I was able to experience some of the beauty that everyone was ranting and raving about. I wish I could have had more time to spend there. Right when we arrived the weather wasn't too bad so a few of us decided to walk along the beach for a bit, aside from the sand and everything being so beautiful and postcard perfect, there were FOUR sea turtles laying eggs farther up on the beach. It was a miracle; they dig a deep hole that takes about thirty minutes and after lay between seventy to ninety eggs. It was amazing. Then she covers it up and waddles her way back into the ocean. I guess turtle eggs are a delicacy here or maybe in other places too but these people would come and AS SHE IS LAYING THEM, put them in a bucket to sell/eat! AHH! But don't worry...there were three men that took the eggs and brought them to a hatchery where they could raise and protect them. Out of the ninety eggs that they poop out they say hopefully, one to three will survive, sometimes zero. Crazy. I spent the rest of the time laying in a hammock reading and not using my brain what so ever. No translating, no nothing, just a book and my hammock. Glorious. We drove back on Sunday and the weather persisted to be complete shit, there is really no other way to put it. It rained so hard that there were accidents everywhere and some of the old mud walls along the sides of the roads had collapsed so it was long ride home. Overall, the beach was nice and I wish we could have stayed longer :(

I'm back at the farm now and tomorrow will start to measure the lettuce and start recording the information into an excel program so they can hopefully fix any problems before the lettuce matures and needs to be sent to its client. Gives me something more to do so I'm happy. The only problem is all the spiders :( there are everywhere and there so big. They say that they are more scared of you then you are of them but I seriously doubt that right now. I'll finish out the week here and then Friday we are going to the lake! Annabelle’s son, Juan Andres, whom also works on the coffee farm, has a house there. So we are going for a night there. The hurricane has passed and the rainy season was supposed to officially end today. So I’m crossing my fingers for some nice weather!

Oh and I forgot to include that is was Juan Andres's birthday last friday! Which the pictures at the very top are showing you. We all had lunch here at the farm in Annabella's house. Right we walked to my house and there, we had set up decorations, had the cake and the marachi band suprise him! It was really cute and fun. The cake was too die for!

Annabella and I

End of our little hurricane

Everyone watching w/ umbrellas


Laying the Eggs


Right outside my window by my house. Crazy rain.

1 comment:

  1. GOOD POST....get me some turtle eggs for breakfast......its good to see you slaving at the coffee packaging....Love Dad
