Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Welcome to the Mayan Village! Joya de Ceren

            Last Saturday I went to one of the Mayan villages that were uncovered here in El Salvador. They found it when they were planning on building something else on the land and one of the men found a piece of the village. So they kept digging and found a part of one of the villages. They believe that there is a lot more to the civilization west of the village they found, but for one there is no money to fund a big investigation for it and two, there are already some factories built on the land. They found temples also, which they think were separate from where they lived, hopefully I will get a chance to see them. I'll try to remember as much as I can for each picture so  I can describe what it is. This village was covered in 14 layers of ash. They call it the Pompeii of El Salvador. They say the average size of the people were 4'5" to 5'. Tiny little things.

This is a family house, where they slept but cooking was done in the outside kitchen.

This is a place for witchcrafts. I don't remember exactly what they did , but rituals were done and
spices were made here. No one was allowed in this house unless they belonged to it.

This is a communtiy house. They would gather here to eat, pray and celebrate.

This is here to show you how deep the city was covered 14 layers of volcanic ash, its hard to see in the picture (sorry)
The layers are different colors becuase of the different temperatures that it has been exposed to.

This is a cooking area/ kitchen. Don't ask me how....

This is a sacred sauna. They would crawl through the littleeee door on the bottom there
and bath/ clense themselves of sin. Some women gave birth here becuase it was a sacred place.

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