Friday, November 5, 2010

Coffee Talk 2

           The coffee process is starting to begin! Mostly this is coffee from other farms. Today, I got to see the first steps of the process, in action and not just empty machines. The coffee is dumped into different pools where someone uses a pressure hose to push it through the tube that mixes the coffee with water, effectively washing the coffee. It’s then sent through the long white tube to the patios where the coffee and water are separated. The dirty water is sent back in tubes underneath the patios to a different pool, so it’s a big circle. The coffee is sent to a doorway; where there is someone waiting with a truck/ tractor that collects it and then drives it to different parts of the patios so it can dry and the pulp (skin of the coffee) is blown away with the wind. Its stays on the patio for twelve days before moved into the next stage of the process.
1. Coffee Pools


3. The tube that sends the coffee to the patios

4. Coffee and water are seperated
5. Coffee goes here

6. Dirty water goes under and to the tubes underneath the ground


9. Takes it to the different parts of the patios


11. Dirty water goes back.

12. Coffee is moved every 30 mins

13. Dirty water back at the pools.

1 comment:

  1. Bridget;
    i just read the last 3-4 blogs and I am envious on several levels.
    1> i want to hang out in El lloks really cool.
    2> you are learning about the coffee process, for that matter "farming" in general. I would love to do that, as I would learn and really educate myself on coffee....good photos etc.
    3> I love history - as you know - and the mayan civilation would really get me some books, check it out.

    Keep it coming.
