Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Coffee Talk

Removing the Sugars. If you touch it, which i did, its very slimy.

Step One. Where the Coffee goes first.

Getting Clean!

Here the coffee has been roasted and we are picking out the bad coffee (rotten, discolored, broken, odd shaped) from the good. Then we pack it in the coffee bags, seal them, put a stamp with the date on it, put six of those bags in a large clear bag. THEN in a box to wherever their destination may be!
Coffee picking season is just around the corner! We have five days left! So they started to test the machines and make sure everything is working as to be expected.The pictures I put up are of a machine that the farm bought used and just put in. Its job is to skin/ clean the coffee and take the sugars out and also, seperate the bad coffee from the rest. Then sent back to the roasting process.

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