Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Hello everyone! Hope everyone had a good weekend. Mine was pretty relaxing and low key. I was suppose to be going to the lake, but it turned out that things didn't work out that way so I ended up just hanging out in San Salvador with Annabella and some friends.Friday I went out with some friends of mine and got to see to see more of the city. Saturday we went to lunch at a sea food place that had a beautiful view! And you wouldn't believe what happened...I was at lunch/ dinner, whatever, and needed to go to the bathroom. Just as a was flushing the toilet, I used my foot to push the flusher (like i think many of us do) and the other side of it came completely out of the wall. Water went everywhere, the bathroom became a pool in less than thirty seconds. I stood in my bathroom stall for 15 seconds as water drenched me, I was completely shocked and taken off guard, obviously. I came waddling out of the bathroom, squeaking with every step and everyone looked at me, gaping mouths, probably wondering what the hell happened. All I can do was point to the bathroom and everyone started laughing. I was crying i was laughing so hard. I wish someone could have videotaped the whole thing so I could see my face. This was another FML moment. Sunday, Annabella and I took a beach day and had another seafood late lunch and went home around seven. Then I went to the movies and saw "To the Greek" which I highly recommend to anyone who appreciates good humor because that movie had me laughing from beginning to end.Monday we did some shopping and I visited the mock version of Costco for El Salvador. It made me a little homesick considering it was not really Costco and all i wanted at that point was a big sugary Churro that I always get there :( oh well. Now I'm back at the farm and its a beautiful day...to bad I'm not allowed to go on a walk...run...or leave at all! Grrr. Safety first...psh.Speaking of good days though, the rain stopped and the sun is coming out everyday now which is so nice. I was beginning to think Seattle officially moved here with me.

Its Annabella's birthday on the ninth so she is having a big party here in Juayua with everyone! and Saturday there is also a parade of some kind so that should be entertaining! I'm excited! I would have uploaded the pictures I took at the beach, which were breathe taking but my computer has decided not to work, so i'm waiting to see what's wrong with it and to get it fixed because there all on that hard drive. Seriously crossing my fingers that nothing is erased, that would be horrible.Anyway, once i get that back I will post the pics and another post. Until then i hope everyone is having a good time in Washington!


  1. Cracking up at your toilet story. OY VEY...oh, wait that is French. :) The big news here in Washington is that Phoebe fell asleep BEFORE 9PM, in her own bed, before Tatum, and on her own. That same night, Corie was studying Ethics at the kitchen counter. As you can see...miracles are occurring here. We miss you.

  2. Hahaha i miss you too. That made me laugh. Very cute. good to hear that things are going well!!!
