Friday, October 15, 2010

No More Rain

Gorgeous Sunset

Los Patios-Sunset
Right outside my window

Corner of my Condo!
Bottom Floor

Hello Hello. This week was not too eventful, but I got to work more on the farm and kept busy, so that was nice. Monday and Tuesday I was in San Salvador because I was at the dentist. Then Wednesday through Friday I have been working here in Juyua. I had to cut out about 300, maybe more, tags for the different types of coffee. Thank god I figured out how to get it on the computer and print it out, otherwise they wanted me to cut each square then write the description individually. NOT HAPPENING. Then today, I had to write similar tag's but for the field. They were more like slates that you wrote on with a special chalk. Also, I had to move the coffee around on the Los Patios so it could roast under the sun. The two pictures you see above are what I am talking about. You can see there are two different colors of coffee; one is black and other looks like fruity pebbles. The black has been outside for about a week, which is about how long it takes to naturally roast. I don’t know the exact term for the process, so I just call it naturally roasting. And the other one, on contrary, just got outside so it has another week. Also, as you can see my hair is completely in my face in the pic, this is because the rainy season is officially over and now we have the windy season. El Salvador only has these two seasons. The strongest winds last about four days and trust me there very strong. But the sun still shines and there is not a cloud in the sky. It’s beautiful; the wind is actually really nice. After four days, it dies down a bit but still continues to be windy. In about 15 days, the coffee will began also, meaning the green coffee has turned to red coffee. I’m going to get a chance to pick coffee for a little bit too! I go back to San Salvador later in the afternoon with Annabella's son, Juan Andres. Not much planned for the weekend other then lunch at the beach and a concert that her nephew is playing at. And he is an awesome entertainer and performer. Super excited to see him live!! Feliz fin de! Adios.


  1. i beleive the process is drying not roasting.
    Good blog and it seems like you are learning about it or not!:)
    I am curious to hear about picking do they grade the coffee ( some coffee is premium..some 'so-so" etc..).
    Love Dad

  2. Yeah ill get back to you on that. I'm not entirly sure either. other than i know that coffee that has alot of color variation is not a high quality as coffee that is all one color. Like in the picture, the coffee thats like a rainbow is the "shitty" coffee i guess. they were using that to test the equipment and so on.
