Friday, October 8, 2010

Back in Buisness!

My computer survived the virus that has attacked it! Many of you should be thankful because all my pictures we on it and the video's, that I can't wait to show everyone once I get home. If only this thing would let me up load them :( Annabella's birthday is tomorrow, like I said in my last post so we are setting up for that, cooking and all the fun stuff. 65 people have RSVP'd, so it will be one hell of a party. I'll have pictures for that soon enough! Monday I will be living the life of a coffee farm worker, actually for the week. I'll be getting a little more intimate with all the big machines and process that's been collecting dust for the last five months. Monday, I'll be spending the day inside picking out stick and stones from the coffee before it gets washed and sucked through all the tubes. I'll learn what they all do soon. The rest of the week is not as clear, but all I know, is I have to be up and ready by around six ish. UGH. Anyway, I wanted to post the pictures from the other weekend at the beach. Enjoy and have a great weekend!

Sunset on a cloudy day


Cool Dead Fish on the Beach


Miss you guys <3


  1. Wow! Loving the pictures...sure looks like you are living a VERY rough life over there in El Salvador or San Salvador or Salvador Dali (jk - he's a famous artist). Glad you are having fun! Less than 2 months until the big move for me :( Miss you heaps!

  2. hey Bridge...miss you too.
    I love the sand PBi shot...very cool.
    Also the beach looks great...i like th dead blowfish---nasty lookin sucker.
    Glad you killed the virus...
    Love Dad
