Wednesday, December 1, 2010



Cathedral High Ceilings

Grand Theater
     I just thought I would post some pictures that showed the center of San Salvador. Its worse than New York and Asia combined. Crowded, no concern for the TWO way road, full of little markets and creepy people. It was pretty interesting though. Jeans; 2 for 15, pretty good deal haha. They have everything and anything you can think of, and some people are pretty creative with there choice of advertisment and shelter. The cathedral was gorgeous with high ceilings and the art was so detailed and colorful. It was magic seeing the inside of it, I wish the pictures could have captured it better.

     Anway, it's December 1st which means I will be home in ten days. Man, saying that out loud seems almost unreal. Everyone says this, but it really feels like yesterday I walked off that plane into this foreign country. Time is such a mysterious thing, goes by fast when you want to savor it, and then when you need it to fly by each second seems to feel like forever. Can anyone give me an explanation of how to avoid this paradox? UGH! But I will say, that every day I have spent here has been something new, even when I was doing nothing. Boredom taught me how to be alone, being alone forced me to get out with...different people, and with people I had to learn and speak their language so I could get by. So even when I felt like this trip was a pointless cause, it never lacked a moment in my benefit. I couldnt be more grateful that I came here and nothing could have helped me more and taught me more than taking the step I took to live here for three months.

Whooo too much deep thought for the fun little blog. Hope everyone is enjoying the chaos of Christmas shopping and I'll be home so soon! Love to all!

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