Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Coffee and Pink Chickens

Conveyer Belt

Yum Yum

This machine seperates the different sizes of coffee.

Coffee Women

Leonelle showing me how to pick coffee

        Hellloooo! Well today is Tuesday and I am very close to my trip back to Seattle! But here are some things that have been going on. Monday I want coffee picking. You can see a couple pictures of me slaving away. I was out there for maybe two, a little over two hours; I picked 20 Libras and made 80 cents. Let that give you a perspective of what these people go through on a daily basis. So I reiterate, when you have a cup coffee next, APPRECIATE IT. It was an awesome experience none the less, even though it was hot and uncomfortable for a lot of it haha. It really makes sense now why everyone is so short here in the Land of Coffee (god works in mysterious ways). The bushes are short/weighed down and when you’re tall it totally works against you, bending over the whole time or getting smacked in the face by the high branches. UGH, it got so frustrating.
        Also there's a picture of a row of women sitting at a conveyer belt, and another picture of just the coffee on the conveyer belt above. This is the final assessment that the coffee is the right size and color. The women scan their section and every minute the belt moves to a different set of coffee beans. Imagine having that job 9 hours a day.
        Ok, so this was totally random part (but funny). Last weekend I went to the market fair for the last time in Juyua and on my way out there was a young girl who passed me selling chicks. Well, these weren't your everyday chicks. They were died blue, green, pink, and red, which just looked hilarious with twenty of them chirping and jumping around in this small basket. They were twenty cents each and out of complete impulse I just bought a pink one. Well the fun lasted about 30 minutes then the chirping really started to piss me off and I had no interest in it anymore, but it made for a good photo shoot. Unfortunately, I gave it to the farm people and it died over night from being too cold :( they shouldn't have left it outside. So RIP pink chicky.


  1. OK....so coffee picking is nasty and you are a baby chick killer.....nice!

  2. Chick killing...it's how Dahmer started. LOL Kidding! Bridget - I FINALLY found your blog again (it was saved on my computer at PBi but; alas, I no longer have claim over that computer. :( I'm catching up on all your blogs but it looks like you are learning, seeing, and experiencing a ton of cool things! :) I am sad I wont be there to talk with you about it when you get back. :( Being back in AZ has been very hectic (I didn't have my car for the first 2 weeks, my pallets haven't arrived, and I've been sick for the last week). I hope you have a wonderful last few days! Love, Heidi
